
The Ridge in Bachelor's Gulch!

We needed more murder!

Before Rocky Mountain Mayhem (book 2) was published, as Robbyn and I would be out and about at book signings, promotional parties, etc., when someone would ask us about the second book we’d always say something to the effect of, “Same four friends, different vacation, different mystery. No murder. We don’t want to kill off someone in every book. Our friends would never go on vacation with us!”

Unlike Getaway Girlz which took us a year and a half to write, we wrote book two in megasuperfast overdrive. We had a deadline, darn it, and we were not going to miss it! Two days before going to print I was feverishly rereading, re-editing, reformatting and suddenly I was re-ALIZING something horrible.

I closed my cherry red laptop and fumbled the phone as I called Robbyn.

“We’re missing something! The story’s not right!”

Robbyn remained calm on the other end of the line. “I know. I know. I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

We talked for a bit and it was settled. There wasn’t enough mystery in our mystery.

An emergency all-day happy hour was in order, which at times was less happy and more agony, but we figured it out. We worked through the rough spots and found just the right places to add more thrill and suspense.

It’s paid off. Now we’re hearing from our Fanz that the second book is even better than the first!

Of course it is…

We added MURDER!

Johnell on a Girlz Trip!!  Rocky Mountain Mayhem BABY!

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being Divorced

Top ten reasons why I don’t mind being divorced:

  1. Don’t have to ask permission for ANYTHING!
  2. I love my kids, but every other weekend is kid-free (as long as you didn’t divorce a dead-beat). I need my me-time.
  3. Dating do-over. You know exactly what drove you crazy about your ex (chewed on fingernails, couldn’t fix a damn thing, too many extracurricular activities [THAT’S AN UNDERSTATEMENT]), the list goes on and on, and you ask the right questions early on to avoid having the crap bugged out of you. Again.
  4. Booty calls. They have their place! Don’t knock ’em.
  5. Only have to be Santa every other year. It’s hard work and I’m busy!
  6. Get the chance to pick a better lover! (see number 4)
  7. No more ESPN or sports talk radio. This one makes me really happy.
  8. If something needs to be done I do it. No longer do I have to wish he would do it because he wouldn’t, which would make me mad because it pointed out what a lazy ass I had married.
  9. I don’t need a man. Occasionally I want a man (see number 6, then number 4), but I don’t need a man.
  10. Girlz trips! Duh!












Over and out!
Johnell, the Jo in Joan

Ol Bessie

Drinking and Writing: Do’s and Don’ts

Do drink your beer or other frosty beverages with lots of fruit. Limes, oranges, whatever. However, in an effort to not get a finger wagged at me by one of my best friends (who is also a dentist), have water there as well and sip it between beverages. It will save your teeth’s enamel from being whittled away to nothing.

Don’t squeeze your lime near your keyboard. It’s impossible to clean between keys and the keyboard will end up looking like ‘ol Bessie here…missing keys, filled with lime slime and grime.

Do sit near plugs so you get free electricity while drinking and writing. Sometimes they’re hard to find. Ask bartenders to help you find a plug behind the bar if you’re in a bind. They have sneaky little plugs back there.

Don’t drape your computer cord across walkways and become a tripping hazard for others (or yourself. I speak from experience).

Do be nice to bartenders, waiters, waitresses, etc. Their job sucks.

Don’t be a sucky tipper. Their job sucks.

Do look up occasionally and smile at people. They’ll wonder what you’re up to or what company works you so hard that you are working in a bar. It sells books, trust me, I speak from experience.

Don’t write after you’ve had way too many.

Do go back and read what you wrote (at least the last few paragraphs), the last time you were drinking and writing, due to the don’t directly above.

As you can see, the do’s and don’ts are extremely important. Trust me. I know from experience.


Johnell, the Jo in Joan

P.S. I was drinking while I wrote this.