We’ll be dishing out publishing info to the Society of Professional Journalists at Joe T. Garcia’s in the Fort Worth Stockyards. Write. Publish. Eat. Drink. Ole!
Upstate Uproar to be released March 7th! Stay tuned to our Facebook page for launch events. www.facebook.com/getawaygirlz
To schedule an appearance, reading, signing, hang out with your book club, buy us dinner, drink wine, etc. Contact us at joan@getawaygirlz.com.
Holiday special, and boy is it special! Get the entire Getaway Girlz series (Getaway Girlz, Rocky Mountain Mayhem and Big Easy Escapade), dedicated and signed to whomever is on your list for $40 + shipping (actual cost, not the cost plus ‘handling’)! And guess what?!?! You’ll be getting the JUST RELEASED COVER of Rocky Mountain Mayhem! Plus, you’ll get a Getaway Girlz koozie for every set you purchase. We have a limited number of the new cover, so let us know soon!
All set up! Come support the Paschal High School band through the gift market, today from 9~4! I’m in the cafeteria surrounded by delicious goodies! Good thing I brought some money!!
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