Ol Bessie

Drinking and Writing: Do’s and Don’ts

Do drink your beer or other frosty beverages with lots of fruit. Limes, oranges, whatever. However, in an effort to not get a finger wagged at me by one of my best friends (who is also a dentist), have water there as well and sip it between beverages. It will save your teeth’s enamel from being whittled away to nothing.

Don’t squeeze your lime near your keyboard. It’s impossible to clean between keys and the keyboard will end up looking like ‘ol Bessie here…missing keys, filled with lime slime and grime.

Do sit near plugs so you get free electricity while drinking and writing. Sometimes they’re hard to find. Ask bartenders to help you find a plug behind the bar if you’re in a bind. They have sneaky little plugs back there.

Don’t drape your computer cord across walkways and become a tripping hazard for others (or yourself. I speak from experience).

Do be nice to bartenders, waiters, waitresses, etc. Their job sucks.

Don’t be a sucky tipper. Their job sucks.

Do look up occasionally and smile at people. They’ll wonder what you’re up to or what company works you so hard that you are working in a bar. It sells books, trust me, I speak from experience.

Don’t write after you’ve had way too many.

Do go back and read what you wrote (at least the last few paragraphs), the last time you were drinking and writing, due to the don’t directly above.

As you can see, the do’s and don’ts are extremely important. Trust me. I know from experience.


Johnell, the Jo in Joan

P.S. I was drinking while I wrote this.