I totally enjoyed Upstate Uproar! Shit going on from every which way!
Sandra Lewis
Getaway Girlz was named one of “20 recent releases, worthy of attention…”
Houston Chronicle -- Maggie Galehouse
Big Easy Escapade — “The Getaway Girlz are my new BFFs! Put on your expandy pants for a heapin’ helpin’ of girly good times, laughs, and suspense, N’awlins style!”
Diane Kelly, author of the award-winning Tara Holloway series
“Big Easy Escapade is simultaneously gripping and hilarious, taking you to the edge of your seat then sending you falling out of it with laughter. What a trip!”
Author - Tara Holloway Series - Diane Kelly
Four girlfriendz on a Mexican getaway — a Texas quartet that will make you forget all about New York City-style sex and the city. Add murder to the romantic beach scene, and the Getaway Girlz prove that “Don’t mess with Texas” means business.
Paula LeRocque